On August 20, 2018 my husband and I went somewhere. I can't remember where, but wherever it was, I took the reference photo for this painting. I checked through my photo program and Facebook to get clues, but nothing. I am guessing this was a bench in St. Joseph's community garden at Villa St. Joseph.
If you've never visited this community garden, go! Dozens and dozens of local gardeners rent plots from the folks at the Villa. It's a delight to wander through the rows and view climbing beans, raspberries, crops grown under floating row covers, crops on trellises, flower gardens with both perennials and annuals and the hummingbirds who love them.
There is a certain beauty in decay. There is a certain uneven beauty in wild apples too. I am hoping to do these, wild-apples-laying-on-a-bench-where-they-fell-from-the-tree, justice in the weeks ahead.