I've been meeting with some of my art students via Zoom for the last many months. We all need a push to continue being creative during this lockdown. I am so thankful for their friendships and their encouragement to keep making art.
At home, we've been incorporating native plants into our gardens. One day last week, I took a walk around the gardens with a white bowl in my hand. I snipped off the heads of whatever was growing there that day. The only criteria was that they should be small flowers. We have here periwinkle, violets, bleeding hearts, wild mustard, Solomon's seal, dandelion, forget-me-nots, a tiny fern with pink flowers and bladder campion. My plan was to press them, but they looked so beautiful in that bowl, I thought I'd try and paint them.
I dried them after photographing them for this painting. So, these are all of the flowers in the bowl above.
