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  • Writer's pictureHilda Van Netten

New Portrait & One Spot Left!

Updated: Feb 29, 2020


A few years ago, one of my friends asked me if I would ever be able to do a portrait of her daughter. She indicated that she'd talk more when she was able. Yesterday, I was considering what to do for my next art project. Chalk-pastels were beckoning me. I thought that it may be a great medium to paint her daughter in, if she ever was ready for it. Interesting how life unfolds: later in the day, in a totally separate conversation on FaceBook, this same friend said that she was ready to have her daughter's portrait painted. Out of the blue!

The reference image is a very small one. In a way that is good because it allows me to use "artistic license" in colour especially.

Some thoughts on process:

This has to look like her. Pressure (mostly from me).

I initially sketched in the whitish colour on the easel from the photo. I wasn't too happy with the results, so listened to some of my own advice and turned both upside-down so as to see them with fresh eyes. This process worked.... somewhat. But, I still wasn't happy. Time to pull out the big guns! I photographed the painting, making sure it was really square to the frame on the camera and loaded it into Photoshop. I layered it above the original photo and lowered the opacity of the painting so as to see through to the original photo. Voilà! I could see where I was out!!! If you see it, you can draw it.

If you look at the above image and see the yellow lines..... that is where I need to stretch her face to.

And, on a somewhat related topic.... there is one more spot left in my upcoming Right Brain Drawing Workshop at The Painted Tree in lovely downtown Cobourg. Call the store to register and make your deposit. 905-372-1313. Looking forward to drawing with you!

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