As with any other people, our grandkid's artistic styles change with time and from outside influences. Frances (6) has been taking an after school cartooning class this year at school. I believe this character is a robot. I duplicated her image for this card. It seemed like it needed more than one.

I've been trying to have the grandkids' images interact with each segment of the painting. Sometimes I position the cut-out character with various cards in order to find a design that looks like it might work. It needs to tell a story. For the card below, I wanted the character to interact with the yellow flower. It looks like a flamboyant flower hat to me.

The segment below has a lot of flowers. It looks like an oversize garden to me. I think it works well with the quote.

This character above and below was created by 4 year old Charlie.

The seed heads on the grasses could be mistaken for mosquitoes, I think.